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 E X E C U T I V E   D I R E C T O R  

      M.K. Holder, Ph.D.
Dr. Holder is a biological anthropologist with training in psychology and neurology. Her research includes critiquing methodology used to assess handedness in humans, investigating the manual hand usage of wild African primates (gorilla, chimpanzee, red colobus monkey, redtail monkey, mangabey), and working to better understand ambidexterity. She has maintained online resources related to her own research since 1994, including gauche! Left-Handers in Society, an educational web site collaboratively-built by people around the world. Dr. Holder founded the Handedness Research Institute in 2001 to facilitate and promote interdisciplinary and international scientific research and education. Dr. Holder is Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences, and Research Associate at the Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, at Indiana University, USA.

 B O A R D   O F   D I R E C T O R S  

      Jeffrey R. Alberts, Ph.D.
Dr. Alberts is Professor in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA. His research is in the field of developmental psychobiology and related areas of gravitational and space biology. Specifically, he studies the ontogeny of species-typical behavior in rodents, with emphases on their thermal physiology, olfactory abilities, and social environment. Since 1983 he has participated in a wide range of space biololgy activities research, from the unmanned Soviet Cosmos satellite to Space Shuttle projects. Dr. Alberts' company, STAR Enterprises, Inc. is designing the Advanced Animal Habitat for the International Space Station. From 1986 to 1991 he was editor of the journal, Developmental Psychobiology and is a past president of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. He has received numerous grants and awards from the National Institutes of Health, including Research Scientist Development Award, and the MERIT award.

      Kim Walker
Kim Walker is Principle and Dean of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music at the University of Sydney, Australia, and one of the world's foremost solo wind players. Her career as an international bassoonist is highlighted by appearances with leading orchestras and conductors in Berlin, Paris, New York and London, and solo recitals and master classes throughout Europe, Australia, Africa, China and the United States. Her honors include prizes in international competitions (Ancona and Stresa, Italy, Premier Prix de Virtuosite, Geneva, and the first Pope Foundation Music Award), prize-winning recordings (three BBC Critics Choice Awards, the Record of the Year award from Gramophone magazine in London, and a Prix D'Or from Le Diapason in Paris), and the prestigious Grawemeyer Award (1997) for a piece commissioned by her. Professor Walker founded Les Etoiles Musicales music festival in France and served as its Artistic Director from 1994-1996. She was named a member of the French Government's Council to "unite scientists and artists."

      M.K. Holder, Ph.D.   (Board Chair)
Dr. Holder's descriptive information provided above.

 T R E A S U R E R  

      Linda R. Summers
Linda Summers is Administrative Assistant at the Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, at Indiana University, USA, where she manages university accounts totaling well over a million dollars. Ms. Summers holds a B.S. from Indiana University.

 H O N O R A R Y   T R U S T E E S  
announcements forthcoming

 S C I E N T I F I C   A D V I S O R S  

        In Memory of Former HRI Advisor
      Esther Thelen, Ph.D. (1941-2004)
Dr. Thelen was Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Infant Motor Development Laboratory at Indiana University, USA. Her research interests included the development of sensorimotor skills in human infants (such as walking and reaching) - how the brain comes to control the limbs and body segments. Her interest in developmental process and theory led her to develop a dynamical systems approach to this research, which focuses on the self-organizing qualities of complex, nonlinear systems. She co-authored (with Linda Smith) A Dynamics Systems Approach to the Development of Cognition and Action (1994, MIT Press). Professor Thelen's visiting faculty appointments included: the Ben Gurion University (Israel), the University of Sydney (Australia), the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), the Free University (Amsterdam), and the Neurosciences Institute (San Diego). Dr. Thelen was a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the American Psychological Association, past president of the International Society for Infant Studies and of the Society for Research in Child Development. She has served as Associate Editor of the journals Developmental Psychobiology and Motor Control, as well as on the Editoral Boards of over a dozen psychology, child development, and motor neuroscience journals. She is greatly missed by her friends and colleagues.
      more announcements forthcoming

 R E G I O N A L   C O Ö R D I N A T O R S  

      Bipinchandra Chaugule
Bipinchandra Chaugule is Regional Coördinator for the HRI Pune Bureau (India). He is the Co-Founder and President of the Association of Left-handers India. Mr. Chaugule is an award-winning Producer of children's educational television at a State Government Institute in Pune, Maharashtra, India. He holds a B.Sc. in Physics and a M.A. in Sociology from Pune University.

      Solomon J. Simutowe
Mr. Simutowe is Regional Coördinator for the HRI Lusaka Bureau (Zambia). He is the Founder and Director of the Left-Handers' Association Zambia, and an Economist in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry, Republic of Zambia. Mr. Simutowe holds a B.Sc. in Business from Copperbelt University.

      Flora Azevedo
Drª. Azevedo is Regional Coördinator for the HRI Porto Bureau (Portugal). She is a retired educator, specializing in teaching Portuguese and writing to children. She is author of Ensinar e Aprender a Escrever [Teaching and Learning: How to Write Through and Beyond Mistakes] (2000), co-author of A Produção de Textos Escritos [The Production of Written Texts] (2002), and co-author of several textbooks on teaching Portuguese. She holds a Masters degree in Education from the University of Minho-Braga.
      more announcements forthcoming

 C O N T A C T I N G   T H E   I N S T I T U T E  

Handedness Research Institute
Hillcrest Psychology Research Center
674 East Cottage Grove Avenue, Suite 222
Bloomington, IN 47408 USA

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