Handedness Research Institute    Research

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Research FellowsOnline Research
Internship ProgramBibliography
(c) 1950 Greulich & Pyle / X-ray of 6 mo. boy's hand
Communication Forums
International Bureaus
  Why the Need for Research?
No standard definition or measure for handedness
Different researchers use different measures
Findings vary greating, basic questions unresolved
Interdisciplinary, international research needed

 R E S E A R C H   C O N F E R E N C E S

The Institute organizes and hosts annual research conferences, providing opportunities for international experts from across disciples to address specific research topics related to handedness.
   The Development of Handedness in Children
       (pending funding)


 R E S E A R C H  F E L L O W S  P R O G R A M

Each year, the Institute invites a senior researcher (as Research Fellow) to to conduct collaborative research for a period of 1 to 3 months. As funding allows, travel expenses and stipends will be provided.

 I N T E R N S H I P  P R O G R A M

Each year, the Institute invites a graduate student or professional (as Intern) to to conduct collaborative research for a period of 1 to 3 months. Interns may alternatively help prepare educational materials. As funding allows, travel expenses and stipends will be provided.

 H R I   I N T E R N A T I O N A L
© 1997 The Living Earth, Inc.
HRI has begun to establish international bureaus in collaboration with colleagues around the world. Currently, Solomon Simutowe (Regional Coördinator for HRI's Lusaka Bureau) & M.K. Holder (HRI Director) are pursuing research in Zambia. Research projects are also being planned with Bipinchandra Chaugule (Regional Coördinator for HRI's Pune Bureau). International offices greatly enhance the Institute's ability to conduct research and provide public education worldwide.

 C O P Y R I G H T

No part of this website may be reproduced in any format without prior written permision. The Handedness Research Institute holds the copyright on all materials published on this website, unless otherwise noted.   For more about copyright, including educational use and how to cite this resource, please see the Institute's copyright information.

 I N S T I T U T E   F U N D I N G

The Institute is currently seeking major funding.
The Institute's work depends upon your tax-deductable contributions, and proceeds from Institute merchandise (coming soon), and publications.  

IU seal S U P P O R T

Institutional support provided
by Indiana University & the
IU Department of Psychological
& Brain Sciences

 O N L I N E   R E S E A R C H

The Institute provides opporunities for Internet users to participate in on-going research questionnaires and surveys. While study populations sampled in this manner are not statistically random samples, much can be learned from self-selected samples.
 Surveys not linked will become available over the coming weeks; please visit again later.
   HRI Handendess Questionnaire
   SURVEY #1
   SURVEY #2


 S E A R C H A B L E   B I B L I O G R A P H Y
   ( forthcoming, pending funding )

 R E S E A R C H   A I D S
   Scholarly Search Guide
   Scientific Journals & Organizations Links


 H R I   P U B L I C A T I O N S

Full Proceedings of the Institute's Research Conferences will be published and available from HRI. Conference abstracts will be freely available online. Educational publications will also soon be available from the Institute.

 C O M M U N I C A T I O N   F O R U M S

Scientific communication with the public has historically been one-way: expert to non-expert. But non-specialists often possess knowledge that researchers have overlooked or not yet discovered. Non-specialists have contributed to scientific inquiry by: 1) noting possible trends in populations, 2) providing applied ("real life") perspectives, 3) relating traditional knowledge, and 4) ocassionally offering original theories or ideas.

HRI recognizes the value of two-way communication for researchers, professionals, and the public. To facilitate and promote such communication, the Institute invites comments, ideas, and suggestions regarding issues related to handedness.

Comments are reviewed and new ideas relevant to research will be communicated to researchers via conference communiqués and web postings, thereby giving knowledgable individuals a voice in designing educational materials and in setting research agendas. Comments may be submitted via the comment forms below, fax, or mail.

Please note that HRI hosts separate resources for questions about handedness and requests for help with research.

         Communication Forum
             ... for research-related ideas (not questions)

         gauche!  Left-Handers in Society
             ... for applied left-handed issues & strategies
             Edited by HRI Director M.K. Holder since 1996

             ... about the Institute or HRI website

 C O N T A C T

      Handedness Research Institute
      Hillcrest Psychology Research Center
      674 East Cottage Grove Avenue, Suite 222
      Bloomington, IN 47408 USA
      FAX : (+1) 812.855.4691
      how to contact us


.   HRI  |  ABOUT HRI  |  FOR YOU !  |  RESEARCH  |  EDUCATION  |  YOU CAN HELP  |  SEARCH + HELP  |  © 2001 HRI   .

Advancing basic research and alleviating social and educational discrimination worldwide

h a n d e d n e s s . o r g